Where's number 5?
We have spent part of the last two days with the 'tiels outside on our (screened) patio where their home is. It's hot here in Miami (yesterday the high was 90 degrees). We gave both Victoria and Pierre (mom & dad) baths yesterday. We also gave Paris and Lucky a bath yesterday. Paris (after seeing Pierre take a bath) seemed more into taking a bath than Lucky.
In the evening we decided while cleaning the nest box that we would check the babies out and feed them (if they were hungry). We prepared some formula, got out the cue-tips and some clean water and got to work. The parents seemed ok with this as they went over to the corner of the patio and checked everything out. Well, to our suprise (and disapointment) there were only 4 hatchlings in the box. We cleaned them up (some had some food dribble around the nose and eyes) and gave them just a small taste of food (as their crops were almost full). Finally when cleaning out the nest box and putting clean bedding for them we found #5 buried under some of the nesting materials. Empty crop, and emaciated body. It appears that we waited too long to check them out (Thursday thru to Sunday). It looks like he just wasn't getting enough food.
Everyone else seemed to be in good health (and spirits). We put clean nesting materials in and put them back in. The parents went about feeding them later that evening.
We'll check everyone out again today and try and remember to take some pictures (& maybe wiegh them!) today.